getting rid of stains naturally. once again.
And here we go again… My little girl’s jacket got stained after a weekend of bike racing once again. This time she got chain grease on her sleeve while pulling her bike off of the bike rack.
Before I knew about Thieves Household Cleaner and Thieves laundry soap, I would just give up on stains like these. But now when my daughter showed me the stains with sad eyes and a question if I will be able to get it off, I knew that it can be done. And it can be done without any chemical cleaners.
Thieves Household Cleaner is my go-to all the time. Thieves Household Cleaner is an allpurpose, concentrated cleaner formulated with 100 percent plant- and mineral-based ingredients. Thieves Household Cleaner is biodegradable and complies with EPA standards. Safe to the planet, safe for our health. I truly believe that this cleaner should be a staple in every single household. All you need is one plant based cleaner, no need for many different bottles for cleaning the whole house.
I put just a few drops of the cleaner on the sleeve, let it sit for a few seconds and just rubbed it in my hands a little bit. The photo shows that the stains were gone just after this treatment. Then I put it into washer and used the laundry soap.
My little girl’s jacket is clean once again. One happy little athlete and one happy mama over here.
If you want to give these natural products a try, please don’t hesitate to contact me through email or the comments here.
getting rid of stains naturally
I think I can speak up for every mom about how tough it can sometimes be to get rid of stains on kids’ clothes. And not just on kids’ clothes, on clothes in general. My little athletes are out in the forests on their bikes rain or shine which means I have to deal with lots of muddy clothes, especially in our winter months.
My daughter had a pre-ride for her upcoming mountain biking race in a heavy rainfall and you can imagine how her clothes looked like when she got back from the muddy trails. Because we had to stay overnight in a hotel, I didn’t have a chance to wash her clothes right way, we just wiped the dirt off with paper towels. When we got home the next day, I soaked her jacket up in a bucket with 2 caps (the black tops of the cleaner bottle) of my favourite Thieves household cleaner. This cleaner is AH-MAZING and I believe that it should be in every. single.household. I ditched all my cleaning supplies and I use only this cleaner for everything, just to name a few – glass, stainless steel, kitchen counters, sinks, bathrooms, floors and so on. Household Cleaner is an allpurpose, concentrated cleaner formulated with 100 percent plant- and mineral-based ingredients. It is biodegradable and complies with EPA standards.
Unfortunately I don’t have a before photo of the original dirt (when she got off her bike with mud dripping from her), the before photo above was taken before I soaked the jacket in bucket for about half an hour at home. Then I put some of the cleaner directly on the jacket and rubbed it in my hands to get the most of the dirt off. Because the jacket is so bright and it’s also my daughter’s favourite, I wanted to be sure that I get the dirt off so she can wear it to school. After that, I put few drops of the cleaner on the jacket and put it in a washer with other sport stuff from that day.
As you can see on the after photo, I was pretty successful in getting the stains off from her jacket. I cleaned it with my bare hands (no gloves needed, no headaches from toxic fumes) and didn’t use any chemicals, just natural stuff which is gentle not just to my skin but also to our environment.
I’m so happy that the jacket shines with bright colours once again and even more happy to see my little girl smiling that her favourite jacket looks great once again.
Mission accomplished. Until the next bike ride… 😉
~ Gabi
a box of wellness – our Birthday bash
The other day Sue and I chatted about life and found out that our Birthdays are just a day apart. How crazy fun it is?! We are both Pisces and love people, so we have decided that we will celebrate our Birthdays, which are on March 1st and 2nd, by gifting others and sharing the joy, love and our knowledge about wellness.
As both of us have already mentioned so many times over the last couple of months over here, essential oils have become a huge part of our regular daily routines. I don’t go through a single day without using my oils. The same goes for my children and my husband lately as well. Oils for better sleep, energy, relaxation, headaches, tummy aches and muscle pains, skin issues, PMS discomfort, colds and coughs and many many more.
This is what Sue says about her experience with essential oils: For as long as I can remember I have used peppermint oil to soothe tummy aches and headaches. Buying the starter kit from Young Living introduced me to a number of other oils that I now rely on just as much as peppermint oil – Thieves for immunity and cleaning, lavender for skin and hair, lemon for cleaning, panaway for sore muscles, and the list goes on. I also discovered that using peppermint oil during a run or a workout improves the quality of my exercise significantly.
And because we know how amazing these oils are and how much they can help you with dealing with the ups and downs of everyday life, we would like to help you to get your hands on this little box of wellness as well. If you are new to essential oils or haven’t tried Young Living essential oils before, we want to help you on your journey to wellness by offering $20 off of your Premium starter kit!
When you receive your “box of wellness”, the best part is that you won’t get “just” these 11 amazing essential oils and a diffuser and all the little fun things as pictured below, you will also get a supporting group of people with awesome oily knowledge and endless resources and so much more.
There are no reoccuring fees, no monthly payments or anything. You can buy new oils as often as you like and if you feel like experimenting with oils more, you can explore benefits of a loyalty program as well. Or never purchase anything else. As I mentioned already, it is totally up to you.
Are you wondering how you can get our gift? Simply click this link which will get you to our sign up page, choose Get started with Premium kit here and pick myself or Sue and register on the Young Living website. Once we see that you’ve registered and purchased your kit (original price is $199.75 CAD but the value of everything exceeds over $360 and the benefits are just priceless!) , we will contact you and send you back our gift of $20.
We would be more than happy to help you with this process so if you don’t know exactly what to do or something during the registration isn’t clear and you feel overwhelmed, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at: or and we will get back to you as soon as possible. This offer is valid from March 1st 12.01am PST till March 2nd, 11.59pm PST.
Are you ready to take the first step to a healthier and happier life?! We can’t wait to hear from you.
~ Gabi & Sue
muscle pain relief on a snow day
We are back in the winter wonderland once again. I love snow but oh man, before I hit the end of our driveway (which isn’t long at all), I could start shoveling the snow all over again. I definitely felt my back and arms last night. And this morning the amount of snow fallen overnight was even bigger, but I came prepared. I went into my “medicine” cabinet and pulled out my old friend, Deep Relief.
This oils is very well loved in our family. It is a blend of several oils such as Peppermint, Wintergreen, Dorado Azul, and Helichrysum and it’s known for their soothing and long-lasting benefits.
Deep Relief is used in aromatherapy to help relieve joint and muscle pain associated with sprains, strains, or rheumatoid arthritis, making this blend a great companion for your active lifestyle. Oils such as Peppermint and Wintergreen play an integral role in this blend as they provide a refreshing, cooling sensation during or after a workout, with an invigorating scent that inspires an upbeat and energetic approach to whatever keeps you active.
I always go the natural way and try to avoid painkillers as much as I can. Since I’ve started using essential oils and made them a part of our daily life, it isn’t hard at all. Deep Relief is actually a Natural Health Product approved by Health Canada for treating everyday ailments. So here you go, it’s natural and it helps you relieve the pain at the same time. Definitely a win-win.
Now once the shoveling is done, we can go and make a snowman.
~ Gabi
oils on the go
As I mentioned so many times, essential oils play a huge part in our lifestyle every single day. I wear my aromatherapy necklaces every day and now even my kids enjoy wearing their oils on too.
Yesterday my son (a fresh teenager) came to me and asked if I can make him a bracelet using wooden beads we had at home. Of course I said yes, I love crafting and it makes me happy that my children love to wear handmade stuff, it makes it even more special. When I was in the middle of making his bracelet, he asked if it’s possible to add lava beads as well so he can smell his favourite oils during the day. I was almost done with the bracelet but I was so happy that he asked that I didn’t mind to take half of it apart and start over.
This just shows me that we are doing things right at home. It makes me proud and happy that our children know how to live a healthy life. Knowing that if they feel under the weather, they can use uplifting oils during the day and just smell them to boost up their energy and mood. Both of our children have their own diffuser and use their oils for bedtime every night, it has become a part of their evening routine.
~ Gabi
dragon time
I’m pretty sure that a lot of you, women, can totally relate to when it comes to our “favourite” time of the month how crazy we can get…
I love chocolate and once I get to a week or less before my PMS, you can bet that there won’t be any chocolate left in my sight. I have never had a regular cycle and usually the first two days are accompanied by cramps in my lower abdomen and lower back. I used to take Advil for the pain otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get through the first two days.
But since I’ve switched to essential oils, I knew that I want some natural support in this area as well. Last month I’ve finally got my hands on Dragon Time. The first time I smelled it, I have to confess that I wasn’t impressed at all. The thing is, I don’t like the smell of black licorice and the scent reminded me of it a lot. BUT, I was left with a choice – I will take the Advil for the pain (which I hated to do) or I will get over the smell and use the oil. Of course I went the natural way. And to my surprise, the smell of this oil hasn’t bothered me at all while I put it on myself.
Yesterday the first day came again and I went and applied the Dragon time right away. I was so surprised that the pain was gone within 10-15 minutes. I applied the oil before going to bed once again and for the first time in months, I wasn’t awaken by a pms pain at night. I slept through the whole night absolutely pain free. I made a little roll on to take to work with me and I applied the mix one more time during the day on my lower abdomen and lower back. I was really happy to get through the day without the cramps.
My roll on: 10 or so drops of Dragon Time in a 10ml amber roll-on glass bottle and topped with carrier oil (I use V6 from Young Living). The 15ml bottle of Dragon Time blend will last for many months to come since I used only 10 drops for my roll-on mix.
Here is a little info about Dragon Time from the Essential Oils Desk Reference Book:
- this blend relieves PMS symptoms and menstrual discomforts, including cramping and irregular periods. It helps balance emotions, alleviating mood swings and headaches caused by hormonal imbalance.
- Ingredients: fennel, clary sage, marjoram, lavender, yarrow, jasmine
From now on, I will carry this little gem in my purse to have it on hand when needed. And let’s be honest, the name of this oil is just so spot on!
So the next time, ladies, when you feel like you are about to change into three-headed dragon, just grab this bottle and roll it on.
~ Gabi
choose your actions
With 2016 coming slowly to its end, every year I like to reflect and think about what the year has brought to us. Thinking about all the accomplishments of the year, the ups and downs of the past couple of months and take all of this in and start planning for the upcoming year.
Our family has started using Young Living essential oils in November 2015, so it’s been over an year now and all I can say is that I’m so happy I’ve chosen this path for our family. We’ve ditched all the regular chemical products in our household (soaps, shampoos, toothpastes, laundry detergent and cleaning products which were full of harmful chemicals) and started using natural products.
We have also stopped using painkillers for headaches, PMS symptoms, muscle pains and many more and started using essential oils instead.
I’ve treated burned skin and cuts with oils instead of grabbing creams from pharmacy.
Our kids never slept better before. Lavender, Cedarwood and lately Gentle baby oils are a part of their daily bedtime routine. They fall asleep much easier and don’t wake up at night, stopped tossing in bed and even their teeth grinding is gone.
We haven’t been sick during the year at all. Our kids got runny nose maybe twice this year and it was gone within two days. Once again, we just diffused essential oils at night and rubbed oils on their feet during the day. No more cough syrups and other over the counter stuff. Just plain natural treatment.
As I’ve mentioned so many times, we are a very active family and compete in road cycling, mountain biking, cyclocross, running and triathlon races. We’ve started using essential oils for improving our workouts and for speeding up our recoveries with a huge success! Even my husband is now a believer and is asking for a massage or what oil he should use after his exercise.
This year we have made own organic lip balms and hand/body lotions, bug sprays and air refresheners, candles and many more DIY projects.
Living healthy is a huge part of our family lifestyle, so it’s only natural that the main goal for my family is to invest into our wellness not just by spending time exercising and eating healthy food, but also by making the right choices about what we are putting into and onto ourselves and living non-toxic life as much as possible. I encourage you to go to your bathroom or look under your kitchen sink and read all the labels on products you are using every single day. You will be surprised how many chemicals you will find and at the same time horrified because that’s what we are using for our dear ones, our children, on ourselves. I went through this on my own as well, so I know what I’m talking about. Even though I always tried to make smart choices and go for the “natural” products, it wasn’t until I’ve started doing my own research and found out how many products in stores are just marketed totally wrong.
Every year I choose one little word which I try to live through the whole year. For 2016 it was wholehearted and I can honestly say that in the wellness area, I put all my heart in and focused on making the change in my family. For upcoming year 2017 my one little word is awaken (from dictionary: to become conscious or aware of something <awoke to the possibilities>, to make active).
And here is one of many things which I would like to be aware of more, to be more active. My goal for the next year is to help as many people as possible to find their path to wellness and healthier lives. I would like to help YOU, yes You, who is reading this post at this very moment and show you how to live more naturally. And as a gift to you from me, if you decide to join me on this journey, I would like to help you started.
From now till December 31st, 2016 (10pm PST) , if you decide to join me and sign up for Young Living with me, I am offering you $15 off of your Premium Starter kit (which includes 11 essential oils, Diffuser, hand sanitizer and many more) or your choice of one of these two oils – Cedarwood or Orange. You won’t get “just the oils”, but you will become a part of an amazing group of caring people who will support you on your journey and will provide you with tons of materials and recipes to get you started.
Just leave me a comment here or send me an email and I will show you how to start.
Let’s make the upcoming year better together and full of Energy, send all your Stresses away, live in Peace and calming state and having a Tranquil year full of Deep relief.
Thieves got it | part 1
I think I can honestly say that a product made with thieves oil, is in every single room in our house. We use Thieves oil in our hand foaming soaps, in air sprays, we brush our teeth with thieves, fighting against colds with homemade roll-ons and of course, we diffuse it.
We do laundry with thieves, use it for washing the dishes, cleaning around the house, while traveling… I can’t imagine our everyday life without thieves any more!
Especially now with back-to-school being just behind the corner, we are embracing on boosting our immunity and getting ready to fight the germs in a natural way. As I mentioned several times already, last winter was our first full winter using Young Living essential oils and we avoided being sick, didn’t have to use any over-the-counter cough/cold/fever medicine and we even skipped the cough syrup. It was our healthiest winter ever! And I really believe that’s because we went natural and started using YL oils and products.
So what is so special about this blend and why is it so awesome? Thieves is the most amazing blend of highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-infectious essential oils.
It was created from research based on legends about a group of 15th-century thieves who rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead and dying. When apprehended, the thieves were forced to tell what their secret was and disclosed the formula of the herbs, spices, and oil they used to protect themselves in exchange for more lenient punishment.
The Thieves blend is a mix of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata and rosemary. It really smells amazing!
In the upcoming posts I will show you how we use this blend in our everyday life and around the house. If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to send me a message or comment on this post.
energy in a bottle
- At July 14, 2016
- By Living Essentially
- In active, essential oils, outdoors
The last thing I wanted to do today, was getting on my bike and do my workout. Don’t take me wrong, I love biking but it was late in the day, I was tired and the winds outside were picking up. Not the ideal conditions for a ride. On the way to my starting point, it started to rain. It didn’t stop me. I’ve signed up for a Grandfondo ride which goes from Vancouver to Whistler (122km) and the training has to be done no matter what. So I braved the weather and went for it. I put EN-R-GEE on the back of my neck, put my helmet on and started pedaling.
Just within a few minutes, I was totally soaked but surprised that I didn’t feel tired anymore. It seemed the En-R-Gee was working. En-R-Gee revitalizes with a blend of stimulating oils that have been used traditionally to help restore mental alertness. Uplifting and strengthening as the name suggests, it boosts energy. And it definitely does! The rain was getting heavier so I decided to turn back after 15km. When I was finishing my 25th kilometer, it suddenly stopped raining and the sun came out for the last 5km. How ironic!
Well, the workout is done and I enjoyed a hot shower afterwards. I put some Thieves on my feet for boosting up my immunity and as a prevention for getting a cold, and a Lavender into diffuser for a nice relaxing evening.
Young Living oils came once again very helpful during the challenges of everyday life.
deep relief
- At July 12, 2016
- By Living Essentially
- In active, essential oils
I know it’s been very quite over here lately. With summer in a full swing it means our training and racing season is on as well. Even though this season is very hectic for us, I love it. I love watching my kids compete in cycling and triathlons and the same goes for my husband. Living an active and healthy life is a priority for our family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
This year as an extra part of our training regime, we are using Young Living’s essential oils. It’s amazing that we can naturally speed up the recovery and feel much better after exercising. So many times we have used PanAway oil blend and the results are amazing. My husband did a same long-distance running race as a friend of ours and I gave him a massage in the evening after the race with just a few drops of PanAway mixed with V-6 oil. The next day he wasn’t sore at all, and when I met our friend two days later, he was still complaining about his sore legs. So it definitely works.
A friend of mine went to Young Living’s Convention in Utah in June and was so kind to bring me this little roll-on called Deep Relief. This little bottle is absolutely amazing! I suffer from tension in my neck and shoulders, it’s unfortunately due to my sitting job and also spending a lot of time driving, and this roll-on has been helping me so much! It’s so easy to apply and works within a few minutes. Among other oils in this blend, oils like a Peppermint, Wintergreen, Dorado Azul, and Helichrysum give a fast relief thanks to their healing properties. Some of those oils are also registered and approved by Health Canada as Natural Health Products. So this can’t get any better.
I can’t say enough great things about the benefits of essential oils. We have been skipping the painkillers for months now and are definitely not looking back. There are so many ways how you can use essential oils and even more DIY projects how transform your wellness to more natural one.
If you are interested in learning more about essential oils and their benefits, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Happy Summer!